Unlock Podcast Success with These Tips on Defining Your Audience

Learn how to create an audience that wants to hear from you

Knowing your target audience is crucial if you want to create content that resonates with them. Whether it’s branded podcasts or social media posts, understanding your audience’s interests, preferences and behaviours is a key.

As a business that creates branded podcasts for other businesses, we know firsthand how important it is to define your target audience. In this blog post, we’ll explore why knowing your audience matters and discuss how to go about defining your ideal listeners.

Why is knowing your audience crucial to creating a successful branded podcast?

Let’s break it down.

A podcast is a form of content that is designed to establish thought leadership, build brand awareness and foster meaningful relationships with listeners. Whether you’re using your podcast to market products and services, share valuable industry insights or entertain your audience, it’s essential that the content resonates with your listeners.

By understanding your target audience, you can tailor the podcast format, topics, length, tone and style to match their expectations and preferences. You can also identify the pain points and challenges your audience faces and address them through the podcast, positioning your business as a trustworthy and reliable source of information.

Like the best artists, get in front of the right audience and you’ll delight them with fantastic content

It often happens when a business is initially formed: the founders have a product or service they want to offer but, some way down the line, realise they’re not actually meeting the needs of their customers. They then either go bust or they pivot to meet the needs of their customers.

A podcast needs to do the same: to meet the needs of their listeners.

So, while you probably have a fairly accurate idea of what you want to produce, it’s a very good idea to define your audience. You’ll either confirm what you already thought or discover your content needs tweaking. And it’s considerably less painful to do this at this stage rather than down the line.

How to define your audience

Defining your target audience is a process that involves research, analysis and creativity. There are several steps you can take to uncover who your ideal listeners are.

First, start by analysing your existing customer base and identifying common characteristics such as their:

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Location

  • Income

  • Education

  • Occupation

You’ve probably already got a very good idea of your customers but if you need to build it out, use surveys, customer feedback and sales reports to gather more information.

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Next, move onto their psychological profile. Write down:

  • What motivates them?

  • What challenges do they face at work?

  • What values do they hold?

  • What topics interest them?

Then finish off by asking putting the personal finishing touches together:

  • What social media platforms do they use?

  • Are they already podcast listeners?

  • Do they commute long hours?

  • Are they generally active?

Once you’ve gathered this information for one fictional persona, repeat three or four more times until you’ve a handful of characters – give them names to bring them to life – who you can visualise creating a podcast for.

Now put this information to good use to create a podcast style

Now you’ve created personas, use them to direct the type, style and format of podcast you should create. Think about what kind of podcast you can create to best serve these listeners by asking yourself the following questions:

  • Would these people prefer long or short podcasts?

  • What day or the week (and time of day) would be best to publish your podcast?

  • On which social media channels would they most likely discover your podcast?

  • What types of content would they most likely engage with?

Answer these and you’ll be well on your way to understanding the type of podcast content you need to create to meet their needs, maximise engagement and, most importantly, foster a deeper relationship with your clients.

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Defining your audience - conclusion

Knowing your audience is an essential part of creating an effective branded podcast that resonates with your customers and ultimately increases revenue. By defining your target audience, you can tailor your content to meet their expectations, provide value and build trust.

Remember that defining your audience is an ongoing process that requires constant analysis, refinement and creativity. By investing time and effort in understanding your audience, you can create a podcast that delivers results and positions your business as a leader in your industry.

Happy podcasting!

Huddle Podcasting | Here to help

Creating and launching a podcast can be a daunting prospect, but we’re here to help. We can take you through all the stages of bringing a branded podcast to life, including defining your audience. Get in touch if you need a helping hand.


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